Good Luck, Mr. Gieryng!

On June 20, it will be our final moment with our beloved principal, Mr. Gieryng, at Saint James School. He has been teaching Math for 7th and 8th graders for 12 years, and has the school principal for 4. He will moving to Iowa to be closer to all of his family, however, he is not retiring. When he is in Iowa, he will be looking for another teaching job. We have interviewed teachers like Mrs. Ruzatsky, Ms. Agoglia, about how they feel about him leaving for Iowa.

We have also asked students about how they feel about Mr. Gieryng leaving and they responded with,

“We all love him so much and we’re going to miss him!”
                                                                              Emmie K-107
“I’m sad because he was very nice to me all the years I was here.”
                                                                              Kevin Kelly 5-203

We have also interviewed teachers about the departure of Mr. Gieryng and they have all said things like,

“I have known him for 16 years or so and we were great partners for 10 of those years. He and Mrs. Gieryng are like a family to me.
                                                                    Mrs. R 7-209

Living Stations

On April 11, the annual Living Stations of the Cross will take place in the St. James Church at 12:30 pm & 7:30pm. Living stations is a time of prayer during the Lenten season. The 7th & 8th grade will present a prayerful reenactment of the Stations of the Cross with music. Some of the songs include Pick Yourself Up, People Need the Lord, and Long Live God.

Sandy Hook Acts of Kindness
          This year was the 1st anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook School.  The St. James second grade classes chose to complete 26 acts of kindness in honor of the kids.   Here are the acts they did:

1.  Respected one another
2. Had Good Sportsmanship
3.  Were kind to a classmate at recess
4. Were polite to another student
5. Shared a toy or something special to a family member
6. Made Thanksgiving cards for Pre-K
7. Thankful turkeys for Kindergarten
8. Told their Faith Sharing Partner how thankful they are for them.
9. Were helpful towards their family
10. Helped put up holiday decorations
11. Were nice to their neighbors
12. Thanked God for all that they had.
13. Shared with their classmates.
14. Gave someone a hug.
15. Gave a special gift to their 2nd grade neighbors!
16. Wrote a special note to a classmate.
17. Decorated a gift for 1st grade.
18. Designed book marks for 3rd and 4th grade.
19. Helped a family member or neighbor with chores.
20. Gave your time to someone in need.
21. Brought peace to others.
22. Made bracelets of kindness for 5th and 6th grade.
23. Helped a neighbor or family member shovel the snow.
24. Brought cookies to the 7th and 8th grade.
25. Gave the teachers and staff a special gift.
26. Shared our kindness with others

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